The Telangana Legislative Assembly met on Monday to pay respects to the late former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who passed away on December 26. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy moved a condolence resolution, which sought posthumous conferral of Bharat Ratna, the country's highest civilian honor, on Manmohan Singh. It will highlight the gratitude of the people of Telangana towards him for playing an important role in the formation of the state. His contributions will be commemorated with a statue erected in the Financial District of Hyderabad.
Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka supported the proposal, and members from various political parties, including the BJP, Majlis, and CPI, expressed unanimous approval. In addition to endorsing the Bharat Ratna resolution, K.T. Rama Rao (KTR) suggested urging the central government to establish a memorial in Delhi for former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao.
Chief Minister Revanth Reddy said Manmohan Singh was a leader of principle and made sustained contributions to the nation. He said some of the major initiatives led by him include his role in formation of Telangana. Bhatti Vikramarka, Deputy Chief Minister, hailed Manmohan Singh as the first in the country to announce loan waiver for farmers that has inspired the present ₹2 lakh loan waiver scheme of Telangana.
Many ministers, including Uttam Kumar Reddy, Damodar Rajanarsimha, Sridhar Bhabu, and Seethakka, appreciated Manmohan Singh for the reforms he brought to India, leading it out of an economic crisis. KTR referred to him as a "silent architect of modern India," which justified his Bharat Ratna status.
Bipartisan Signing: Bipartisanship marked the tributes paid by leaders from both parties.
Assembly passes resolution; adopts silence in his honor
Assemble adjourns for an indefinite period, that too sine die without business
The state government will officially suggest the Bharat Ratna for Manmohan Singh to the central government, after the unanimous resolution.