Union Minister Kishan Reddy said that preservation of the Telugu language is necessary through speaking and writing. Speaking of Telugu Mahasabha in Hyderabad, he reminded us that Telugu literature has to be taught to children daily and in the digital environment for future use.
Reddy said that the number of Telugu articles in Wikipedia is increasing, and there are audio versions of stories and articles. He underlined the importance of protecting the language before it becomes extinct. He further pointed out that the language should be used as a mode of instruction, in governance, and for official purposes.
"The current usage of Telugu is only about 30%, while 70% of spoken words are borrowed from English. Without realizing it, we are losing our language," Reddy said. He urged that education be conducted in the mother tongue, at least at the primary level, in line with the Center's new education policy.
Telugu Minister Reddy has presented a few key recommendations to promote the use of Telugu language:
He also felt that the support from the community and elders is crucial to ensure that the language will be maintained and promoted, so it can continue to live for generations.